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What's happening?

Summer Term at Little Thetford Acorns Pre-School


There is always lots going on at LTA. See what's coming up this term...


Start of Summer Term ... Tuesday, 16th April 2024


National Primary School Offer Day...Tuesday, 16th April 2024


Half-term Break... Monday 27th - Friday, 31st May 2024


Maintenance Morning ... Date TBC. A massive thank you to everyone who came along and helped us last summer term. Our pre-school looked so much fresher inside and out after all the efforts of our committee and the local community. As the outdoors maintenance is an ongoing job, we are planning on opening up termly for a maintenance day, to keep on top of things !


Little Thetford Village Feast...Saturday, 8th June 2024


Stall at G's Farm Open Sunday...postponed until next year



Last day of Summer Term ... Friday, 19th July 2024




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